
Someone recently sent me a video of a YouTube channel featuring a couple that are dating.
One is vegan, the other, non-vegan.
(I am unsure of the popularity of the channel, as I didn’t check subscriber count)
As I was watching, it became painfully obvious that the vegan was not an activist.
1. Duh, they’re dating a non-vegan.
2. The vegan mentioned egg industry cruelties in a playful, sing-song voice accompanied with a sarcastic tone & snarky smirk. Extra added emphasis.
3. The non-vegan gave a couple quick eye rolls for good measure. Take that, baby chicks in a macerator!

Is the vegan compromising their morals & ethics?
Is the vegan just a really, really super shitty activist?
Does the vegan have questionable morals?
Is the vegan a speciesist?
Is the vegan selfish?
Does the vegan hug their significant other when they’re wearing a wool sweater?
Does the vegan kiss their significant other on the lips after they apply lip balm tested on bunnies & made outta beeswax?
Is there a floss/brush after eating corpses before kisses rule?

I could go on…
I’ll state, right now, if you are, or your significant other is plant based, then I totally get that.
I don’t necessarily agree, but I can wrap my pea brain around it.
But, an ethical vegan?
By claiming that you’re an ethical vegan, I kinda assume you’re, at least, some kind of activist.
But, what kind of activist are they if they’re committed to a non-vegan?
Maybe they play the ‘choice’ card…
Maybe they’re, themselves, a pacifist.
Maybe, they’re a slacktivist.
Maybe they more comfortable if their beliefs are more appealing to others…?
I don’t get wanting to share your limited time on earth with someone who’s ethics do not align with your own.
(Family, friends excluded, I get that…Cos you ain’t all intimate and/or hump them, share your most vulnerable self with, etc…)

I wonder;
Would they be able to keep quiet about a known violent offender in their neighborhood?
…kinda like keeping quiet about hours old calves getting their infant brains smashed in with a hammer
so their significant other can chow down their goddamn cheeseburger in peace.

A vegan shows compassion to animals by not participating in their

A vegan that dates a non-vegan shows compassion to a human that participates in the
Murder of animals.

Does the vegan help the non-vegan prepare a hunk of animals corpse for a main course?
Or, does the vegan allow their mutual income to go toward the purchase of the body parts of an animal
to be consumed outside of their home? (Thusly, funding animal cruelty & death)
Is the vegan hushed about factory farming horror? (Unless delivered in a melodic tone)
Or, does the vegan hush themselves?

I recently saw a few comments on twatter that i want to add to this, as is indeed fitting.

Some folk feel that by vegans exclusively dating other vegans (those with a moral compass aligned with your own),
that ‘decreases spreading awareness’.
Ok…date a fucking non-vegan
On your 1st date night, show them some slaughterhouse footage.
In the end, when the screaming & blood splatter stops, of they still want a steak or think bacon is nummy…
they’ve got some psychopathy issues.

Then I gotta ask…
If you’re anti-hunting, would you date an avid hunter?
Would you even help clean the blood off the hood of their car after they proudly drove around with a deer carcass strapped to it?
Or, is that where the line would be drawn?

I also saw on twatter a comment about ‘forcing veganism’…
Must be an awful personal affront to have others try to convince you to have some empathy for other beings, eh?
Goddamn vegans and their goddamn truth tellin!

…say you’re dating a child sex trafficker…
Sure, the kids are abused, fucked 6 ways from Sunday, but you feel it’s your significant others ‘choice’.

Tsk, tsk. Silly Heidi.
It’s illegal, aaaaannnnnd, they’re humans.

How preposterous (& a total asshole move) of me to dare equate non-humans to humans
Ok, ok
Here we go-

Say you’re dating a dog fighter…
(Due to a loophole in the law, thanks to rodeo, its legal to attend dog fights in Montana)
Say you’re gaga for a puppy mill owner…
Say you’re head over heels for a slaughterhouse worker…
Say you’re married a matador….
Say you’re committed a vivisectionist…
Say you’re in a long term relationship with a serial cat killer…
Say you’re going steady with a professional bull rider…
Say your heart belongs to a donkey raper…
Say your significant other is a McDonalds meat supply owner…

Better now?

What if you’re a vegan, dating a non-vegan, and…
What if, in addition to the cows, turkeys, chickens, pigs, goats, (etc)
they also ate dog occasionally, or cat, or parakeets, hamsters, ferrets or goldfish?

Is there no line to be drawn as to not ‘rock zee boat’?

I understand why vegetarians mostly date corpse munchers.
When you’re vegetarian, you can go to any ol’ pizza parlor, or restaurant with the animal eating love of your life.
They order spaghetti & meatballs?
Hell, no biggie, you can both share the cheesey garlic bread.

But vegan specific-
What vegan enters a relationship with someone that thinks animals are for;

Personally, if my guy came home with a Big Mac and a bag of KFC chicken cos it was his choice…
we wouldn’t be ‘we’ any longer.

What choices of my significant others am I willing to overlook?
…the length of his sideburns
…the movies he loves
…the rocky posters adorning the bedroom wall

I would not turn a blind eye to his hypothetical blind eye. (He is vegan)

Along with participation in animal cruelty & death…
I also wouldn’t support his choice to;
Be unfaithful
Gamble away our life savings
Become a drug dealer
Become a violent offender
Beat Rommel or the pigeons

Please, share your thoughts.
I’m curious.

What are you ok with?